Delimar Freire
Delimar Freire


NASM Personal Trainer Certification


Delimar Freire

I played volleyball in high school, and my coach would say I was mediocre, at best. But I also have a background in martial arts, and I was for sure better at that. That training in particular--being kicked around in the ring--has helped me develop mental toughness, and to be OK with pain and discomfort in the midst of a workout. That, and giving birth to 5 kids! So I'd say I can handle being under stress and moving weights that are beyond my comfort zone. Being out of breath doesn't usually phase me, and I'm generally not scared of trying new things--as a coach and an athlete--if I know they will help me improve. I enjoy the thrill of competing, from time to time, and have participated in just a handful of events over the years. I find that my future self is constantly competing against my current self, but I try not to be discouraged when I see I haven't arrived, because I know it's a process.
As a trainer, this all means that I understand that though we all have different thresholds, it's OK and necessary to push beyond the familiar in order to get the results we want. And, I also get that we might not progress as quickly as we would like because that process can be slow. But, still, we keep pushing and eventually get there.

I'm not as young as other coaches out there. I get it. But my story reveals that it truly is never too late to go after what you love. My background is in design, but I realized at some point along the way that teaching and helping others to improve in--or even begin--their own fitness path was much more rewarding. So, in spite of the late start, I began the journey I'm now traveling, as a coach and a trainer, and still love every minute of it. There isn't a day that goes by that I question my decision.

One thing that motivates me time after time is seeing people achieve what they, at one point, believed to be insurmountable. This applies to all of life, but in fitness, it translates into heavier weights, more reps, more complex movements, or just bigger and better gains overall. I find it so empowering to overcome obstacles that were getting in the way of revealing a better version of ourselves. I don't settle for good enough--with myself, nor with those I train. So, when we train together, we don't just survive--we thrive. Every time I step into the gym is a pending promise that I'm going to make a difference in someone's life that day.